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Home - The Dean-Homosexual Marriage: My position, you win, I rest my case

Homosexual Marriage: My position, you win, I rest my case

By Bradlee Dean



When doing high schools across the country we noticed that when the media began to push an illegal agenda called the gay agenda (sodomy is illegal in this country) we started getting attacked from the media. 


During my assemblies, I would do a piece on what those who report the news believe in. 76% of those who write your papers in this country believe that there is nothing wrong with homosexuality. All the way up until 1961 it was illegal in every state to commit the crime of sodomy. Homosexuality was considered a mental illness up until 1973. There has also never been any such thing as gay marriage in the history of mankind.


So, for simply inciting the laws of the land in which the radical homosexuals hate so much, I became a target. The radical homosexuals want to re-educate America by teaching people of all ages to hate the laws that expose their crimes.  So the next time you hear “hate crimes,” remember that is the criminal who hates the law. 


It is like a bunch of criminals standing around a good cop trying to threaten him that if he enforces the laws of the land towards crime, he is guilty of “hate.” 


Gay Marriage

As stated in the first piece, never in the history of mankind has there ever been anything called “gay marriage.” Never.


This is not about homosexuals getting married; this is about a government-backed agenda. Radical leaders are using the homosexual communities as a political battering ram to overthrow all sense of right and wrong. Not a good place to put yourself. 


Time and time again, I have loved sinners (including homosexuals) so much that I have warned them of their sins before a just and a holy God; I have warned them of the consequences of their lifestyles; and have even warned them of their impendin g dangers (contracted diseases from their sins). Unfortunately, my love has been misconstrued to mean hate (read John 7:7 and Psalm 109). 



My Position 

My position as a minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ has always been to protect the family, to fight for our posterity (so they have a Godly inheritance), and to enforce the laws of our land towards crime (so we can enjoy peace). 


I Rest My Case

My objective has always been to seek and save that which was lost – homosexual or not. That is my duty. All sinners are my objective. The homosexual agenda got in front of me and I simply dealt with it in a Biblical, historical, and legal perspective. And I will continue to do so if circumstance calls for it. 


You Have Won the Vote in Minnesota

I believe that I have done my duty. The people of the great state of Minnesota now have the power to vote. It is now up to you to decide for your posterity what kind of future that you want to have for them. The power is in your hands. I rest my case. 


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