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Home - The Dean-America’s Enemies: It’s not a Foreign Government that’s restricting our Rights

America’s Enemies: It’s not a Foreign Government that’s restricting our Rights

When I read the Declaration of Independence and see the usurpations committed by the tyrant King George against our forefathers (who at the time were labeled terrorists), I have come to the conclusion that our forefathers knew better than any the acts of a tyrant. For example, James Madison, known as the father of our Constitution, said, "If tyranny and oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy." He also quoted, "The means of defense against foreign danger historically, have become the instruments of tyranny at home."

When I look within America, I can see that since 9/11, the media elites have (of course, with the use of fear) inundated the American people with the fact that we have a foreign enemy of Islamic radicals trying to destroy America by any means necessary. I then noticed that it wasn't a foreign enemy who they made the target; it was now the American Constitution and the people. I also noticed that it was not a foreign government asking us to give up our rights; it was our own government (and always under the guise of our "safety" and "security").

Are foreign governments violating the Second Amendment while trying to disarm you? Are foreign governments usurping the Fourth Amendment when violating you at the airport while you travel domestically? Are foreign governments attacking your First Amendment right and America's Christian heritage? Are foreign governments overriding the Tenth Amendment to indoctrinate your children in public schools? Are foreign governments ignoring the Fifth Amendment while facilitating the murder of 3,700 babies a day? Are foreign governments attempting to demoralize you by setting you at war with God so you can become their slaves? Are foreign governments inducing trillions of dollars of debt? In fact, it is not a foreign government; it's those in America's government who are foreign to our God and to our Constitution.

According to Obama, terrorism is no longer applicable to Islam. Could it be because Muslims call him their own? That being the case, who are the terrorists? There are some in government today who want you to look past themselves in hopes that they can now make terrorists out of whomever disagrees with them and their administration. It's not a foreign government that is trying to tear down the Constitution and recreate it in their own image; it's Obama and his administration.

Let's parallel foreign attacks on America vs. Obama's attack on America, and see which one's more destructive. You decide:

Watch the prayer that literally rocked the Capitol as Bradlee lays out our foundation to the Minnesota State Legislature:

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