Home - The Dean-Batman Massacre - Who is Teaching Our Young to Kill?
Batman Massacre - Who is Teaching Our Young to Kill?
Victor Hugo said, “Where there is darkness crimes will be committed. The guilty one is not merely he who commits the crime but he who caused the darkness.”
During the opening screening of the new Batman film, “The Dark Knight Rises,” on Friday, 24-year-old James Holmes allegedly went on a shooting spree in a movie theatre in Aurora, Colo., wounding at least 58 people, killing at least 12. Holmes was dressed in military SWAT gear, a bullet-proof vest, a ballistic helmet, gas-mask and carried at least four guns. The killer’s hair was painted red, and it has been said he was re-enacting a scene from the 2008 film where the Joker painted his hair red and shot up a hospital.
Billy Kromka, a pre-med student at the University of Colorado, Boulder, worked with Mr. Holmes for three months last summer. He said this about Holmes: “He spent much of his time immersed in the computer, often participating in role-playing online games. …”
Perhaps these are the same games parents buy for their children (I hope inadvertently) and which the Supreme Court deemed legal in June 2011, when they struck down a California law that would have banned selling “violent” video games to children, stating the games are protected under “free speech.” “Free” to teach America’s young how to commit crime?
The high court’s new version of freedom of speech would “cause the darkness” by allowing children to play games that teach our young to kill cops, shoot up schools and to kill other students in hopes of being “rewarded in hell” after their crimes were committed. Columbine shooters Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold played these types of video games, even using some of their playbook tactics when planning the Columbine shooting.
There are also games that teach our young to steal cars, rape women and even shoot John F. Kennedy dead for a chance to win a $10,000 prize. Then America is shocked when someone like Holmes acts out the violence he is taught through Hollywood and video games, and innocent people die on account of it.
Read Psalm 9:17 and you will understand why such atrocities take place in America.
Here are examples of the violent video games being aimed at the young: