Home - The Dean-Bradlee Dean on Today's Youth: Dying for the Truth!
Bradlee Dean on Today's Youth: Dying for the Truth!
By Bradlee Dean
“The reports that you are getting about the beliefs of students in public schools is not coming from the students, but rather the sick media spin-doctors and their disinformation.”
– Bradlee Dean
Sen. Frank Lautenberg, D-N.J., and Rep. Barbara Lee, D-Calif., have introduced sex-education legislation limiting funding for “ineffective” abstinent-only programs, while expanding the dangerous comprehensive sex-education program. At the same time, a student at Clear Lake Middle School in Florida was punished for wearing an abstinence T-shirt.
As shown in the example above, America has allowed themselves to be deceived by the mainstream media, so much so that they believe that young students across this country are accepting of all forms of immorality, when in fact they are rejecting it. Amidst a generation that suffers the highest suicide rates, drug and alcohol abuse, teen pregnancy, abortion and anti-depressant usage – this is hardly the case.
I have seen this firsthand.
This is a generation of survivors, and rightly so.
I have been in over 342 high schools across America, and the next generation is literally dying for someone to break into their indoctrinated worlds and give them the truth found in America’s biblical and constitutional foundations (Hosea 4:6).
During my all-school assembly programs (upon invitation from school administrators), I speak on over 26 topics such as drug and alcohol abuse, suicide, sexual morality, media bias, the Constitution, the separation of church and state myth, and the price paid by our veterans. (See firsthand in the DVD series “My War.”)
When people find out about our assemblies, without fail they will ask, “How do you get into public schools? Do they really accept your message?”
Yes, they do.
As a matter of fact, I have received over 80 letters of recommendation from school administrators. I have been invited back to schools repeatedly. Over 95 percent of the student body, as well as the staff, are thankful we came.
There are, however, a small bunch of socialist-minded teachers who can’t handle the fact that the students are glued to the message. In a few instances, they have even made the mistake of attempting to stop the next generation from hearing an American, constitutional and moral message.
And it backfires … every time.
I will give you two examples:
I was speaking at a high school in Missouri, a town that claimed the highest crystal methamphetamine use in the state. While advocating life, I had just shown the students the famous picture of Samuel Armas in the womb, reaching out and holding the doctor’s finger after surgery to prevent the worst effects of spina bifida.
The principal stopped the assembly and told the students that if they were offended, they could leave.
Only two people left the room. The rest of the students and staff were glued.
The principal came in and forced everyone to leave. His actions erupted an entire school giving me a standing ovation.
Watch below:
Then comes another school in Arkansas. About 10 minutes into my program, the superintendent walked up and asked everyone to remain seated while he talked with me outside to decide whether or not they should complete the program.
The entire student body grumbled and complained about their superintendent’s actions. As the minutes went by, the student body began stomping their feet on the floor and chanting, “LET HIM SPEAK! LET HIM SPEAK!”
This school administration was so intolerant of the truth that they sent the police to drive us out of town!
Watch below:
After seeing the videos above, who was breaking the law?