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Home - The Dean-Bradlee Dean: The DARE Program Inadvertently Teaches Students how to use Drugs

Bradlee Dean: The DARE Program Inadvertently Teaches Students how to use Drugs

Bradlee Dean – commentator, radio host and presenter of hard-charging school assemblies – often is a lightning rod for controversy when he performs on American campuses, but little did he suspect he would be shut down for exposing the famed police-led DARE drug-resistance program meant to keep students clean.

One of Dean's high school assembly programs – he has performed in over 335 high schools and colleges in 22 states – was shut down after he explained to the audience his contention that the DARE program actually causes more drug use among students because it explains the names, forms and uses of each narcotic.

"DARE inadvertently teaches students how to use drugs," Dean said. "Their curiosity is aroused."

In the following video, Dean confronts an assistant principal, asking why school officials canceled a second showing of his presentation.

Notes Dean: "We just want to know … since when is it law enforcement's job to introduce students as to how to commit the crime? What drugs look like, their street names, what are their effects and how to use them?"

The video also features male students who confirm that the DARE program contributed negatively to their eventual use of drugs.

The video is excerpted from Dean's multi-DVD series "My War" – a great resource for homeschooling parents, youth pastors and anyone who speaks into the lives of young Americans.

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