Home - The Dean-Deadly Pair: Corrupt Media & Ignorant Populace
Deadly Pair: Corrupt Media & Ignorant Populace
“How is it America that these criminals in government know how to lie better than most in this country know how to tell the truth?”-Bradlee Dean (1 Kings 18:21)
I have to ask the American people a question: Do you really want Jeb Bush as president? Really? Have the American people not judged the corrupt tree for what it is and the fruit it has borne (Luke 6:44)? Is it that Americans cannot see the Bush family for who they are after years of corruption?
Now, the state-controlled media, namely the conservative outlets, are trying to convince us that Jeb Bush is the number one pick through polls that are clearly skewed, as well as fraudulent.
President Hilary Clinton? Really? Who is attempting to legitimize this criminal? Do I need to say anything about Hilary and her crime strewn past? To latch on to the fact that she is a legitimate pick for the presidency of the United States is far beyond comprehension.
Isn’t everyone across the board, and I mean everyone, talking about how sick and tired they are of the establishment? Yes, they are! Yet, this exhibits the media’s willingness to stay persistent regardless of what the American people are really calling for. In other words, shove it down their throats until they accept that we (The establishment) are the ruling class, like it or not! This is becoming more apparent every day in this country.
When did this all go wrong?
“Kings become tyrants through policy when subjects have become rebels from principles.” (Psalm 18:21, Exodus 20)
Americans are now awaiting a very radical and corrupt court to make a decision on the definition of marriage. Let me tell you plainly that government did not create marriage and, therefore, has no business redefining it. So, why are Americans awaiting a decision from the high court? They are to discover God’s Law and apply God’s Law. Who gave the Supreme Court permission to redefine anything? The ignorance of the American people has done this (Hosea 4:6).
“If the Supreme Court is the final arbiter of what the Constitution says, then we have ceased to be our own rulers (Under God), and the Supreme Court is our ruler.” -President Andrew Jackson
Americans have been, for years, talking about Obamacare. Yet, Obamacare is unconstitutional and, therefore, illegal, according to Article 1, Section 8 of The United States Constitution. Instead of the state-controlled media doing their job, by exposing its unconstitutionality and putting the question to this administration as to where they derived their authority to enact an unconstitutional agenda, they divide the people into opposing groups to debate what is illegal. Who gave corrupt government permission to violate constitutional law? Ignorance has (Hosea 4:6)!
These useful idiots lead Americans on with a cycle of rhetorical talk day after day with the same backward flow of information through a system that corruption means to destroy. It is like giving bad medicine to a healthy body. But rest assured - the body can only take so much before it will fail.
The good news is that it all stops when the American people have had enough!