"I believe granting liberty to gay people advances a compelling government interest, that such an interest cannot be adequately advanced if "pockets of resistance" to a societal statement of equality are permitted to flourish, and hence that a law that permits no individual exceptions based on religious beliefs will be the least restrictive means of achieving the goal of liberty for gay people." - Chai Feldblum, an open Lesbian who was nominated to serve as a Commissioner of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission by Barack Hussein Obama
The lid has yet again been blown off of the radical homosexual agenda. As the Supreme Court held hearings on the Defense of Marriage Act and Proposition 8, Obama spent $350 million on sexual indoctrination classes for children. The timing is impeccable.
Through the Personal Responsibility Education Program, students will be taught that no type of sex is wrong and the only "unsafe" behavior is becoming pregnant.
One can look to New York City, who implemented a similar type of sexual indoctrination on NYC schools in 2011. This curriculum is taught to grades 5, 8, and 10, which students receive standardized testing on.
Here are some examples of their twisted curriculum:
Within a year after this perversion was implemented, an article was released in the Wall Street Journal which revealed cases of sexual misconduct by teachers, and that the teachers' unions were protecting the teachers who received little to no consequence for their crimes against children.
For example, teacher William Scharbach was found to have inappropriately touched and held young boys. "Respondent's actions at best give the appearance of impropriety and at worst suggest pedophilia," wrote the arbitrator, the fox in the chicken coop who was hired by the union to protect the union, before giving the teacher only a reprimand. The teacher didn't deny the touching but denied that it was inappropriate. This is criminal!
Also coinciding with the radical push for sexual deviancy upon America's children, we cannot forget about Dan Savage, a radical homosexual who dared God's justice by authoring a book titled "Skipping Towards Gomorrah." Savage uses the guise of anti-bullying with his Obama-endorsed organization "It Gets Better" – which is nothing but an attempt to normalize homosexuality. Savage attacked the Bible and bullied Christian teens at a high school journalism conference. Yes, I said high school.
It was reported that the first thing the bully said was, "I hope you're all using birth control," that the Bible was "bulls---", and then spewed out sexual innuendos during his speech. The bully also set an atmosphere of hostility towards Christians who espouse beliefs that he was literally taking on himself – he was attacking students while crying "victim". More than 100 students stood up and walked out of his derogatory, perverted, deranged, vulgar, and backward-meaning speech.
If Dan is not licking doorknobs in hopes that others get sick with the flu, then he (and his husband) is a guest at the White House for President Obama's 2011 LGBT Pride Month reception, as well as attendees at the White House anti-bullying conference.
Keep in mind this is the same president who overlooked the ice investigation into the pentagon (5000 pentagon employees were investigated for child pornography), who appointed over 225 homosexuals and transvestites into key positions in government (including Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan, who "queerified" Harvard), and who appointed as a safe school czar Kevin Jennings who wrote the forward to a book entitled, Queering Elementary Education. (LINK) Jennings' hero was Harry Hay, an icon for NAMBLA (North American Man and Boy Love Association) whose motto is "sex before 8 before it's too late" when marching in gay pride parades.
The NEA has worked hand in glove with this agenda as well. They already had an LGBT caucus for teachers, but in 2010 felt it necessary to celebrate a new caucus: the "drag queen" caucus. The NEA also refused to pass Amendment I-24, designed to protect students from sexual misconduct by teachers. Many feel they refused to pass the amendment in order to protect teachers who have sex with students.
No wonder this bully felt so emboldened to attack a bunch of high school students, and right under the noses of their parents.
Dan Savage is also the same radical homosexual who said on HBO he wished all republicans were "f---ing dead." In 2006, Savage said that a particular candidate for Senate "should be dragged behind a pickup truck until there's nothing left but the rope," which, by the way, stands contrary to the radical homosexual agenda's premise for hate crimes legislation.
He also said on Bill Maher's show, "I sometimes think about f---ing the s--- out of Santorum. I think he needs it. Let's bone that Santorum. I'm up for whipping up some Santorum in Santorum." Savage also once claimed "the only thing stopping his d**k from being put in Brad Pitt's mouth is a piece of paper", speaking of legislation. Did you catch that? I thought he was married. Out of his own mouth, he just admitted that "homosexual rights" is not about marriage; it is about promiscuity. He contradicts himself at every turn, my friends.
If the president and homosexual lobby went out to prove my point they could have not done a better job. In concert, these two radicals are clearly and literally at war with God and America, as you know it.
The radicals are now operating in the light of day what they used to do through deceptive measures.
The American people have found out the radical homosexual agenda's every deception through their "civil rights" cry, their "hate crimes" cry, and now their "bullying" cry. At every turn their false premise is discovered.
People have seen clearly, after Savage's demonstration, their version of tolerance and love - it is quite the opposite. Attack and then cry victim is their face for the world to see. It is bigotry to the fullest - hate and intolerance towards anyone who resists their perversion.
America must come to the very realization that this agenda undermines everything we are. People like Dan Savage used to be jailed for their perversion, now they are hailed by this corrupt administration. When paralleling the actions of the radical homosexuals such as the Dan Savages of the world to the actions of our founders, we now understand why God calls it an abomination.
America, it's time for you to learn from history, so it does not repeat itself. We can even look to Canada, who implemented homosexual marriage in 2005, and see the moral devastation.
It is clear to see that, unbeknownst to the average homosexual, the radical homosexual agenda is being used as a political battering ram to target our children and silence anyone who opposes their deviant and criminal behavior in an attempt to demoralize and enslave the American people.
John Adams, the second President of these Untied States, said, "Our Constitution is made for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."
Charles Carroll, a signer of the Declaration of Independence, reminds us that "Without morals a republic cannot subsist any length of time; they therefore who are decrying the Christian religion, whose morality is so sublime and pure (and) which insures to the good eternal happiness, are undermining the solid foundation of morals, the best security for the duration of FREE governments."
Who is Bradlee Dean?