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Paul Ryan Helped Open the Gates to the Wolves!

“Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful… to give an appearance of solidarity to pure wind.” –George Orwell

This week, before jumping on the radio to now 80 affiliates in the United States alone as well as broadcasting into 53 other countries, I heard House Speaker Paul Ryan, playing off of Donald Trump, talking of his care of securing the American people from illegal immigrants and any other possible terror attacks from Muslim jihadists.

Friends, it is of interest to take note that what Paul Ryan says and what he does are a complete contradiction at every step (Matthew 23:3).

It was reported on December 16, 2015 by Brietbart

Paul Ryan’s first major legislative achievement as Speaker of the House was a total and complete sell-out of the American people that masqueraded as an appropriations bill.

(1) Ryan’s Omnibus Fully Funds DACA

(2) Ryan’s Omnibus Funds Sanctuary Cities

(3) Ryan’s Omnibus Funds All Refugee Programs

(4) Ryan’s Omnibus Funds All of the Mideast Immigration Programs That Have Been Exploited by Terrorists in Recent Years 

(5) Ryan’s Omnibus Funds Illegal Alien Resettlement

(6) Ryan’s Omnibus Funds the Release of Criminal Aliens

(7) Ryan’s Omnibus Quadruples H-2B Foreign Worker Visas 

(8) Ryan’s Omnibus Funds Tax Credits for Illegal Aliens

(9) Ryan’s Omnibus Locks-In Huge Spending Increases

(10) Ryan’s Omnibus Fails to Allocate Funds to Complete the 700-Mile Double-Layer Border Fence That Congress Promised the American People

It is also important for Americans that are taking this current administration for face value (Matthew 24:5, 2 Corinthians 11:14) that More than 1,400 Syrian refugees have been resettled in the united States, according to State Department figures, which is more than double the 625 Syrian refugees resettled under Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Sobarkah in during the same time in 2016.

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