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Home - The Dean-Radical Muslim Keith Ellison Head of LGBT as Chairman

Radical Muslim Keith Ellison Head of LGBT as Chairman

"Rep. Keith Ellison, D-Minn., a third-term congressman and a co-chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus. On the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Rights page on his House website, Ellison notes that he is 'proud to be vice-chair of the Congressional Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Caucus.'" – ThinkProgress

This last week, the radical Muslim congressman, Keith Ellison, was again proud to be named the vice-chairman of the Congressional LGBT Caucus.


Outside of the fact that Rep. Ellison, the first radical Muslim in the U.S. House (who swore into office with his hand upon the Quran) feels safe enough to take shots at me on a one-sided national platform (to the Daily Beast Keith stated to the American people that they "may not know how extreme this guy [Bradlee Dean] is"), what is interesting here is the fact that we cannot get Keith on LIVE radio to confront my "extremism" on an open platform. Keith likes straining at the gnat while he swallows the camel! So Keith, let's go to the extreme and show America how extreme YOU really are! Now it is my turn.

Listen up, America.

If you remember right, in September of 2012, after the Democrats took heat for removing and then reasserting God into their party platform, "lawmaker" Keith Ellison attacked the GOP for banning Shariah Law. He stated, "Why do they want to become the party of hate? They are demonstrating hatred toward Muslims. They're the party that's basically the bigoted party."

One might think that would have come straight out of the mouth of a radical homosexual, rather than a radical Muslim.

Or maybe not!

Friends, you are dealing with a form of totalitarianism. They love to pull your hair, smack your face and then cry the victim. When, in fact, they are the ones attempting to perpetuate their crimes against the laws of our constitutional republic, only to attempt to establish their lawlessness.

Act For America's Brigitte Gabriel said during an interview, in a video called "Stealth Jihadie," that "Muslims can lie and the lie is permissible as long as the lie basically prepares the way for Islam to be either victorious or to win an argument against an enemy."

Gabriel goes on to say that during Keith Ellison's victory party, Allah Akbar ("God is greatest" – "Allah is greater") were the words that were shouted. Those who perpetrated the downing of the twin towers in New York City on 9/11 said these same words.

Speaking of extremes, why is it that the Muslims have yet to be called into question by the radical homosexual communities concerning the Muslims' call for the execution of the homosexuals?

Yet, the radical homosexuals will attack anyone that stands up against their abominable lifestyles by warning them of their sins before a just and holy God in preservation of their life and their souls (Ezekiel 3:18). Just ask Rachel Maddow, who attacks my ministry for warning the homosexuals that the radical Muslims are calling for their executions.

One might want to take the time and ask Keith Ellison how he reconciles his radical ideology with that of our Founding Fathers:

"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people (under the umbrella of Christianity). It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."

– John Adams, second president of the United States

Taking it another step, look at who President Barrack Hussein Obama and this current administration have appointed to key positions in government–over 225 homosexuals. Talk about discrimination towards heterosexuals.

This president not only entertains Muslims in the White House, but also advocates Shariah Law through his support of the Muslim Brotherhood, America's sworn enemies.

Remember, another Muslim Brotherhood supporter was recently promoted within the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

So, how extreme am I?

According to Keith Ellison's accusations, it is extreme to stand up for our posterity (future generations), to protect the family and to enforce the laws of our land. If this is extreme, then so be it. I rest my case. Keith Ellison is right. But let me reassure you, it is the "extreme" that America is calling for – extreme in not tolerating any more corruption from its representatives!

The right time to do the right thing is right now, and America is waiting. It is time for the re-establishing of who we are as a "republic," "one nation under God" (the Christian religion), "indivisible" (undividable, unbreakable) with "liberty" (freedom to do the things that we ought to do) and "justice" (according to the Moses, whose image is part of our Supreme Court Building) for "all" (even people of other faiths such as Keith Ellison so long as they abide by the laws of OUR land).

How extreme am I?

Martin Luther King Jr. said,

"I must admit that I was initially disappointed in being so categorized (as an extremist). But as I continued to think about the matter, I gradually gained a bit of satisfaction from being considered an extremist. … [Was not] Abraham Lincoln [an extremist]: 'This nation cannot survive half slave half free.' [Was not] Thomas Jefferson [an extremist]: 'We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.' So the question is not whether we will be extremists, but what kind of extremists will we be. … Will we be extremists for the preservation of injustice or [will we be extremists] for the extension of justice?"
America, you decide.

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