Home - The Dean-Since When Did Bill Gates Become the President of The United States? Then Why is Every Member on Donald Trump's Coronavirus Response Team Pushing His Vaccinatio
Since When Did Bill Gates Become the President of The United States? Then Why is Every Member on Donald Trump's Coronavirus Response Team Pushing His Vaccinations? (Videos)
Since When Did Bill Gates Become the President of The United States? Then Why is Everyone on Donald Trumps Coronoavirus Response Team Pushing Bill Gates Vaccination? (Videos)
“People always have been and they always will be stupid victims of deceit and self-deception in politics.” -Vladimir Lenin
Today in America, you have the president of the United States, under false and contrived pretenses, advocating along with Dr. Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates, to push forth their global agenda. You have to ask yourself, who is the president?
As a matter of fact, every one of President Trump's coronavirus response team members is fronting for what Bill Gates is selling. I wonder, is this how you “Make America Great Again”?
This is, without a doubt, a preplanned global agenda that is predicated on criminal fraud (Jeremiah 11:9).
Videos below show both Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci forecasting the virus as well as the crisis from 2015 to 2017.
Each one of these videos below is based on professional analysis concerning the origins and makeup of the coronavirus.
The sad fact of the matter is that there are some people in this country that are still under the delusion that special interest groups are not behind the politicians who are selling the American people out to the highest bidders (Exodus 23:8; Luke 22:48).
Somehow or another people seem to believe that what is taking place is not life-threatening, it is. As a matter of fact, outside of these corrupt individuals, both politicians and special interest groups, it is what is in the vaccinations that is life threatening (Leviticus 19:19).
Yet, some people in this country are still under some delusional cloud as if to suggest that what this government-special interest groups is responsible for is somehow legal.
Until Americans come to terms with the fact this is criminal and that this is foreign to American government, these politicians, as well as special interest group are going to continue on until they are lawfully stopped, and now. Read Article 2, Section 4, and Article 1, Section 3, Clause 7 of the United States Constitution.
Shut down corrupt politicians and you shut down special interest groups, period (Psalm 94:16).