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Supreme Court: A Law Unto Themselves

“Wherever LAW ends, tyranny begins.” – Inscription in the Minnesota Supreme Court chambers

Recently, Judge Andrew Napolitano gave a dim prognostication of what could happen to the rights of the American people if Judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg would fall to sickness or old age in the next four years. He was afraid that Obama might replace her with a progressive (a communist) who would, in turn, do much damage to the Second Amendment and other rights that God has given to the American people.

The Bill of Rights was the “thou shalt nots” to the government. Judges do not have the right to usurp the Constitution by gutting the Second Amendment (or any other amendment) through their opinion.

Judge Andrew Napolitano must be under the delusion, as most Americans are, that the Supreme Court is the final say in all matters even if they violate our Constitution and the laws of our republic, when, in fact, it isn’t the final say.

Judges were never intended to write, change or create law. They are merely referees charged with the protection of the citizenry by enforcing laws enacted by Congress under the authority of the Constitution.

The judges themselves are to be ruled by law, just like the people they serve. Judges do not have the right to break the law. They are not to legislate from the bench in the manner that the American people have been trained and accustomed to over the last 50 years.

Keep in mind, this is the same court that sits under Moses and the Ten Commandments, whom in each individual case swore to uphold the Constitution, “so help me God,” and that starts its proceedings with the following statement: “God save the United States and this Honorable Court!”

William Blackstone, a professor of common law whom our founders often referenced when framing the American Constitution, said, “No enactment of man can be considered law unless it conforms to the law of God.

In the 1892 case, “Church of the Holy Trinity v. The United States,” the Court provided 87 precedents of quotes and acts from the Founding Fathers, Congress and state governments, etc., to prove “this is a Christian nation.” The Court also said it could have found many more!

States also have laws on their books that are directly aligned with the Ten Commandments found in Exodus 20, prohibiting blasphemy, adultery, perjury (bearing false witness), murder and theft.

The attack begins

Contrary to America’s Christian foundation, in 1962 the Supreme Court committed an oligarchy (few ruling over many) and removed prayer from public schools in the case Engel v. Vitale. This case was also the first court case in history to use zero precedents.

In 1980, the Ten Commandments were taken out of the schools in the case Stone v. Graham. The Court made the following statement:

“If the posted copies of the Ten Commandments are to have any effect at all, it will be to induce the schoolchildren to read, meditate upon, perhaps to venerate and obey, the Commandments… [which] is not a permissible … objective.”

These cases began the quick downward spiral of American freedom, for freedom cannot exist without morality. Since then, the Supreme Court has been guilty of attacking one American principle after another with cases such as Roe v. Wade (abortion), Lawrence v. Texas (sodomy) and now National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius (Obamacare). (Need we mention Chief Justice Roberts’ treachery?)

Marbury v. Madison states that, “All laws which are repugnant to the Constitution, are null and void.”

It is clear that most of today’s Supreme Court justices are not ruling within the confines of the Constitution, and many Americans are under the delusion that the Supreme Court justices once appointed, are in office for life. Yet the Constitution prescribes, “The Judges, both of the supreme and inferior Courts, shall hold their Offices during good Behaviour…” If they rule outside of their scope of power even once, they have committed an impeachable offense and it is our duty to remove them from the bench immediately.

In conclusion, if the Supreme Court is the final arbiter of what the Constitution says, then we have ceased to be our own rulers (under God) and the Supreme Court is our ruler, which, in fact, is not the case.

While vetting each of the current Supreme Court justices in the video below, you decide who is lawfully on the bench today.

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