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Supremes Contemplate Making War Against Heaven

The Supreme Court declared, “We are a Christian people...according to one another the equal right of religious freedom, and acknowledging with the reverence the duty of obedience to God." -United States v. Macintosh (1931)

While there are some American people that are ignorantly anticipating the Supreme Court’s decision on what its definition of marriage is, it is important to remember that the job of the Supreme Court justices is to discover written law and apply written law.  They are not there to legislate or to activate, nor is it their business to redefine what they do not agree with when it comes to the One who gave law.

In essence, they have no business attempting to redefine marriage (Ephesians 5:31).

The people in this country are not ruled by the Supreme Court.  We are all ruled by the Lawgiver, and that includes the Supreme Court (Exodus 18:21; Isaiah 9:6).

“No enactment of man can be considered law unless it conforms to the law of God.” – Judge William Blackstone

The black robed tyrants are like a bunch of pigeons picking at peas.  They pick the cases they do not want to hear and choose the ones they do.  It is their duty and obligation to interpret law against crime, not promote crime (1 Peter 2:14).

Every step of the way, the states have combated and ignored the established laws concerning marriage in an attempt to overthrow America’s sovereignty.

We Recognize No Sovereign but God, and no King but Jesus! [April 18, 1775]” –John Hancock

There has never been, and never will be, marriage that is based on sodomy. It is an institution which belongs exclusively to the Church and not to the state. God-ordained marriage cannot be changed regardless of what the people or the judges may say or what the people want if contrary to God’s moral law.

Furthermore, when you look to Canada, you can see this has everything in the world with giving way to the sodomites while giving permission to attack and assail anyone and everyone that disagrees with their abominable behavior. This includes telling the Church whom they have to marry; telling homeschoolers that they can longer teach their children that sodomites are an abomination; and even going so far as to attempt to lower the age of anal consent from 16 years old to 14 years old. What does that have to do with marriage? Nothing (Leviticus 18:22, 20:13; Roman 1:24).

As the Supreme Court looks at the issue of redefining marriage, the first “sodomite president” Barack Obama and his administration have already asked and gotten the Supreme Court to strike down the federal law defining marriage as a union between only a man and a woman.

Of course, to do that Obama had to set the stage.  He repealed Don’t Ask Don’t Tell and place 225 homosexuals in key positions.  Then he appointed a radical lesbian to the bench of the Supreme Court, Elena Kagan.

Elena Kagan is the former dean of students at Harvard. Contrary to Harvard’s founding mottos, “For Christ and the Church” and “For the glory of Christ,” Kagan is known for “Queerifying Harvard.”

During her tenure, she did the following:

·        Kagan hired former ACLU lawyer William Rubenstein to teach “queer” legal theory, in which he taught courses on taking up new identities such as bisexuality, transgender f**k, involving polygamy, sadomasochism, and the sexuality of minors.

·        Kagan also hired other radicals (a lesbian and a transsexual) to teach transgender law courses, as well as Cass Sunstein, who has written in support of polygamy and free-for-all marriage relationships.

·        Kagan viciously attacked our military in opposition to “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” even banning military recruiters from coming on campus. Kagan’s attempt to ban the recruiters was unsuccessful, and even after losing her legal campaign, she encouraged students to continue protesting them.

·        Kagan’s radical activism on campus was so toxic that there was even a campaign to make the entire university trans-inclusive, using Harvard’s “gender identity” non-discrimination policy to spew gender confusion among students on campus.

Elena Kagan has never judged a case a day in her life.  Yet, Obama, unqualified for office himself, has seen fit to “qualify” her for the Supreme Court.

America needs to come to terms and understand that no president, no administration, no Supreme Court, has a right to break God’s laws.

America, your only hope is responding to the crimes of those who believe that they are above the law, which they are not. Impeachment and indictment are the rightful remedies for such criminals found in Article 2, Sections 4, and Article 3, Section 1 of our Constitution.

“If the Supreme Court is the final arbiter of what the Constitution says, then we have ceased to be our own rulers (under God), and the Supreme Court is our ruler.” President Andrew Jackson

As for me and my house, we will serve The Lord (Joshua 24:15)!

To Spit Against Heaven

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