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Home - The Dean-Tell the Truth and Shame the Southern Poverty Law Center

Tell the Truth and Shame the Southern Poverty Law Center

“Sometimes the press will describe us as monitoring hate crimes and so on … I want to say plainly that our aim in life is to destroy these groups, to completely destroy them.”

– Mark Potok, director of intelligence at Southern Poverty Law Center

The homosexual activist group Southern Poverty Law Center has attempted to infiltrate the public school system with its newly designed entry-level “diversity” program called “Mix It Up at Lunch Day.” The goal of “Mix It Up” is to force the acceptance of homosexuality into public schools – even at elementary and junior high levels.

The SPLC listed schools on its website that were “participants” of “Mix It Up.” However, the SPLC was reprimanded and exposed by administrators of public schools because it falsely listed its schools as participants without authorization or permission. How did the school systems respond? Get us off your list immediately!

If the SPLC cannot force schools through totalitarian means to accept its “Mix It Up at Lunch Day,” then it will defend Obama’s hand-picked, degenerate, radical homosexual Dan Savage, founder of the It Gets Better Project. A man who touts around under the guise of “anti-bullying,” and who earlier this year assailed high school students who take a biblical stance on homosexuality at a high school journalism conference.

The SPLC recently wrote a letter titled “FRC (Family Research Council) deserves ‘hate group’ label” in which they accused Tony Perkins of calling Dan Savage’s It Gets Better Project “all part of a ‘concerted effort’ to ‘recruit’ children into the gay ‘lifestyle.’”

Look at Canada’s fallout after homosexual marriage was implemented. Its next step was to lower the age of consent for anal sex to 14 years old.

This is all coming from an organization that uses a façade of legitimacy (a law firm that advocates un-law). Of course, it does this with misuse of language and subtly changing definitions of widely understood and accepted terms (reversing definitions). As you know, the socialist-communist agenda has always had a problem with how to defend and promote an indefensible agenda, dedicating themselves by covertly undermining and ultimately destroying American society as to implementing socialism/communism.

Could this be why Morris Dees, SPLC founder, did legal work for the KKK (an arm of the Democratic Party) in 1961, and why SPLC continuously aligns itself with communist organizations?

Dan Savage recently made a visit to Winona State University at the request of the administration, in which he spewed his lawless rants, accusing Christians and Tony Perkins of wanting homosexuals dead.

Savage told the students, “Every dead gay kid is a victory for the Family Research Council. … Tony Perkins sits on a pile of dead gay kids every day when he goes to work.”

Now, friends, are you starting to understand why homosexuality was considered a mental illness until 1973?

Savage also charged all Christians with hatred.

When did “hate” ever tell the truth? (Psalm 109:5)

Even after a shooting at the FRC by a communist homosexual, the SPLC went so far as to put an article on the front page of its website in an attempt to heighten the FRC’s label as a hate group.

Its method:

Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it … Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions. (This is cruel, but very effective. Direct, personalized criticism and ridicule works.)

– Saul Alinsky, “Rules for Radicals”

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