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Home - The Dean-The Administration that Promised to “Make America Great Again” Is Stripping Away Your Rights! Wake Up! (Press Releases-Videos )

The Administration that Promised to “Make America Great Again” Is Stripping Away Your Rights! Wake Up! (Press Releases-Videos )

“The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant.”  –Maximilien Robespierre

I have to tell you friends that I am not here to win a popularity contest by telling Donald Trump worshippers, who are idolaters, what it is that they do not want to hear (Luke 3:19).  Yet, I am ordained by God to be free of their blood by telling them what it is that they need to hear (Acts 20:26).

What is happening in America today does help us to understand the history of dictators, which is being repeated by those who have not learned from history and how it is that they get away with their crimes (Hosea 4:6). People somehow have in their minds that dicatators will come forward attacking by force with two pointy ears, a long red tail and a pitch fork in his/her right hand.  Nothing could be further from the truth.

And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.” -2 Corinthians 11:14-15
History also teaches us that dictators of the past and present were and are loved by the masses and, in the end, to their own destruction (Mussolini, Hitler, Stalin, Tung etc.).  They were also hated by those who knew the difference (Labeled by the dictators as the enemies of the state) who were attempting to awaken the masses (Ephesians 5:11). 


In The Present

Is anyone paying attention to the fact that what big tech companies are illegally doing through censorship today (A clear violation of the 1st Amendment of the Bill of Rights), is the same thing that red flag laws will do to gun owners if passed? It will aim at disarming any opposition that stands in the way of their global initiative.  Who is the greatest proponent of un-constitutional red flag laws?  Why, it's President Donald Trump, of course.  I thought what Americans were told is that they were under attack by everything anti-American?  They are, and President Donald Trump is behind these unconstitutional measures.  Although, you would think this would be coming from the likes of Kamala Harris or Joe Biden, and it is.

How does this work? The mainstream media reports:

“When Joe Biden (Sold to you as the bad guy) was questioned about a Biden administration coming from American guns, Biden says, 'bingo!'”

President Donald Trump sells himself that he is the one that will “Make America Great Again.”  Yet, Donald is the one looking to pass this unconstitutional red flag laws. Who is coming for your guns? President Donald Trump is coming for them.

I have noticed that in every given scenario that this is how these agendas have gone forward with Donald Trump's administration.

Just today, and adding insult to injury, it was reported that President Donald Trump is now requesting reauthorization of NSA mass surveillance.

“The White House is calling for the reauthorization of a program that security agencies have used to spy on innocent people, violate their privacy, and chill free speech,” said Sandra Fulton. All of this while the American people are subject to an invasion of illegal’s spilling over into the American borders and are illegally searched in airports" (Violation of the 4th Amendment-Bill of Rights).

Who is calling for permanent surveillance?  President Donald Trump is calling for it. 

Same thing with Abortion

Same thing with Education-Indoctrination

Same thing with Illegal Immigration

Same thing with his global decriminalization of sodomy agenda.

Is this how you make America great again? Advocating war with a just and Holy God (Exodus 15:13) in advancing a Hell on earth (Psalm 9:17)?

Again, this is all coming from the one that declares that he is making America great again.  I wonder what he says to those that he hates? Maybe this explains why he has not fulfilled his promises by indicting political criminals within the swamp that he promised to drain (John 8:44).

If the communists, as you are taught to believe, are the treasonous enemies of this country, and they are, then what does this make Donald Trump and his administration?

I almost hate to say it but if Donald Trump's enemies would open their eyes (2 Corinthians 4:4), they would be praising and worshipping him the same way that those that claim to have their eyes open (Mark 8:18), namely the professed Christian-conservative-right, do.  Hypocrites (1 John 2:4)!

Yet, if you are paying attention, it is the very fruit on the branches of Donald Trump's administration (Matthew 7:16).  Like that of the mainstream media’s propaganda spin doctors and actors, they rely on your absolute ignorance to further wield more control over the ignorant populace on a daily basis.

I can hear someone say, "This sounds like a broken record, Bradlee!"  However, what sounds like a broken record is the talking points which are being played out in real-time by a bunch of hypocrites (Matthew 23:3) who have been told the truth of the matter that they refuse to acknowledge (John 8:24), and yet, all the while, knowingly and continuously playing into the hands of those who are destroying their country.

How do you show mercy to people like that? You cannot (Jonah 2:4)!

I end by addressing the president:  Mr. Trump, It has been said that you can fool all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all the people all of the time and God at no time (Proverbs 15:3).

Article posted with permission from Sons Of Liberty Media

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