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The American Appeasers: Gowdy, Issa and Chaffetz - The Show Goes On
“Soft Judges create hardened criminals.” –Bradlee Dean
You would think with all the corruption found within the career politicians in America that it would be fairly simple to bring forth indictments and justice.
Yet, Americans are conditioned through appeasers (American prosecutors) via hearing after hearing, investigation after investigation, and, in the end, no resolve when it comes to justice, only talk (Isaiah 59).
Appease is defined as, “to bring to a state of peace, quiet, ease, calm, or contentment; pacify; soothe: to appease anger.”
So, what are the purposes and the outcome of such appeasement? It creates a nation of pacifists. Instead of prosecuting the criminals, they simply put on a show (WWF at its very worst) to appease only to say through their inactions “Just go to sleep Americans. We have got this” (Amos 5:7). Meanwhile, Americans are laughed at behind closed doors.
Soft judges create hardened criminals, and that is what the American politicians have become, hardened criminals toward the American institution of our Constitutional Republic (Article 4, Sections 4 of The United States Constitution).
From “Fast and Furious” to “Benghazi,” The IRS Scandal up to the Clinton email scandals, the list of appeasement towards crime goes on and on.
How many have been prosecuted? How many indictments were delivered by the American people to those who have committed crimes against them? But the show goes on, all talk and no action.
Congress has an 11% approval rating. Therefore, it is not like the American people do not know that there is something seriously wrong with them who are to serve “We the people” rather than themselves and special interest groups. But they do (Jeremiah 5:21).
Over and over, these criminal politicians remain incumbent regardless of what they do, only to commit another crime on another day. This is because justice is overlooked.
So I ask, what is the difference between those who are committing the crimes and those who are to prosecute them? The evidence shows that there is none. It seems to be the Fox guarding the chicken coop.
It seems like these criminals have someone standing in the gap protecting their every move and their every crime. If it were not so, then where are the indictments and where are the convictions? There are none, even when the crimes committed are clearly evident.
As long as the said favorites of the conservative and counterfeit Christians receive the approbation of the American people, I guess that it is probably not too difficult to pull the wool over the eyes of those that look no further.
Here are some examples for you to weigh out.
Jason E. Chaffetz is the U.S. representative for Utah's 3rd congressional district, first elected in 2008. He is a member of the Republican Party. He is also the chairman of the United States House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.
Trey Gowdy Harold Watson "Trey" Gowdy III is an American attorney, politician, and former prosecutor. He currently serves as the U.S. Representative for South Carolina's 4th congressional district and became chairman of a House Select Committee to investigate the 2012 Benghazi attack in 2014.
Darrell Edward Issa is the Republican U.S. Representative for California's 49th congressional district, serving since 2001 and also served as Chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee from January 2011 to January 2015.
The end result: These appeasers help create the pacifists, and Americans simply goes back to sleep and later wonder why their country is in the state in which it now is in (Ephesians 5:14). This is defined as the people playing to the dupes of ill-designing men. Furthermore, Americans are falling for it.