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Home - The Dean-The Grass Doesn`t Work...The Rocks Do!

The Grass Doesn`t Work...The Rocks Do!

By Bradlee Dean:

I wrote a book named, "The Grass Doesn't Work...the Rocks Do!" a few years ago. 

This day and age there seems to be a false sense of love called "TOLERANCE."  The word "tolerance" means this: "to allow or permit negatively, by not preventing; not to restrain."  We see the fruit of this so-called love in the youth.  Instead of magnifying the law of the land and of God by punishing crime, we allow lawlessness to run rampant and then counsel people for their problems.

Let's put our feet back upon the rock, “...for when thy judgments are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness" (Isaiah 26:9). 

Check out the analogy below...


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-This is an exerpt taken from Grass Doesn't Work, the Rocks Do! by Bradlee Dean.      


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