Home - The Dean-The Iniquity of Homosexual Child Porn
The Iniquity of Homosexual Child Porn
First there was Harry Hay, a radical homosexual activist and long-time member of the Communist Party USA who was touted as the icon for NAMBLA (North American Man Boy Love Association), whose motto was “sex before 8 before it’s too late” when marching in gay pride parades.
Then it was Harvey Milk, the first open homosexual to be elected to public office in California, whose lover was a 16-year-old boy, Jack McKinley, who was looking for a father figure in his life and who eventually committed suicide. It was said of Harvey in the book “The Mayor of Castro Street” that his objective was to lay for vulnerable “young waifs with substance abuse problems.”
Now, another homosexual-rights icon, Larry Brinken, openly manifested his perversion. He was arrested in California last Friday, June 22, for possession of horrific child pornography, a felony offense. Brinken served a 22-year tenure at the Human Rights Commission, and the San Francisco Board of Supervisors even declared the week of Feb. 1, 2010, “Larry Brinken Week.” A search warrant issued by the San Francisco Police Department found that Brinken possessed pornographic images, some of which show children as young as 1-3 years old being sodomized and performing oral sex on adult men.
The Los Angeles Police Department traced the IP address associated with the account Zack3737@aol.com to Brinken, a San Francisco resident. Police explained a few email messages in which Brinken provided disturbing descriptions of the exploitative sexual acts using young boys and girls. (It was reported by Capt. William Riddle of the Los Angeles Police that, “30,000 sexually abused children in Los Angeles were victims of homosexuals.”)
For example, police said Zack3737 (Brinken) provided graphic commentary on the photos of interracial adult-child sex. Comments included, “I loved especially the ni–er 2-year-old getting nailed. Hope you’ll continue so I can see what the little blond b–ch is going to get. White Power! White Supremacy! White D–k Rules!”
Outrageously, the radical homosexual bloggers have defended Brinken’s crimes. (In light of the recent Sandusky sex scandal, those same bloggers have wrested justice to justify their lifestyle, and nowhere can you find them decrying Jerry Sandusky, even after he was found guilty on 45 counts and his own adopted son came out as a victim of his homosexual crimes.)
The news about Brinken’s horrific child-pornography crimes followed the conclusion of “Pride Week,” yet again puling off the mask of the radical homosexual agenda to expose who they are, what they are and who their target really is, showing who is truly under attack. They attempt to decry the Homosexual Manifesto written by Michael Swift in 1987 as a satire, when in fact, every time they are uncovered for their crimes against nature, you see another manifestation of the Homosexual Manifesto.
If America would study history, then and only then would she understand why God said sodomy is an abomination (Romans 1:24, 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, 1 Timothy 1:9, Jude 1:7). If we would simply take heed to God’s Word and listen to what He commands, we would not have to read in the newspapers about the horrific crimes committed against our children, only to find out that God was right all along. A quick history of America: Sodomy laws were intact in every state until 1961, and the American Psychiatric Association considered homosexuality a mental illness until 1973.
While there are those out there in America who are sympathetic to the plight of the “poor” radical homosexuals who are attacking anyone who opposes them for their crimes against nature, I am busy defending a new generation from the likes of Kevin Jennings who wrote the forward to a book entitled “Queerifying Elementary Education,” the National Education Association, which has “LGBT” and “drag queen” caucuses for teachers, and the Dan Savages of the radical homosexual world, who bullied high school students and attacked the Bible at a journalism conference.
In the meantime, we have Rep. Jared Polis and Sen. Al Franken (the joke’s on you, Minnesota) attempting to make a criminal out of anyone who opposes the homosexual lifestyle through the 2012 Student Non-Discrimination Act, which aims to criminalize discrimination of LGBT students. This, in essence, says that anyone who abides by the laws of our republic is a criminal for speaking out against those who are trying to overthrow our republic. Who is committing the crimes, Congressman Polis? Enforcing the law is not bullying.
Learn more about this lawmaker in my video “The Backwards Jared Polis”: