“War is the rule of force and peace is the reign of Law” (Galatians 5:22-23).
Now, this administration is going so far as you let them go to tell the country that the US needs a “sense of urgency” when it comes to new measures against gun ownership.
President William Henry Harrison said that the plea of necessity is “that eternal argument of all conspirators.”
And if that was not good enough, he even sics America’s Attorney General to threaten law abiding citizens when she set out to declare to the people, “We’re watching you.”
I say, “Let them watch, the American people are wide awake!”
On May 18, 2015, it was confirmed that the Obama administration ran guns from Benghazi to Syria before the US consulate attack. This all on the heels of his administration being uncovered for arming Mexican drug lords who killed over 300 Mexicans through “Fast and furious.”
Barrack Hussein Obama went on to say that he could bypass Congress, which is your voice through your representatives, through illegal and unconstitutional executive orders because the majority of the American people support his gun control efforts.
In December, CNN took a poll in which we were told that 48% of Americans were in favor of stricter gun control. Did they take that poll in the White House? Who do they think that they are kidding?
Former CNN news anchor Amber Lyon, an award winning journalist, told us that she was ordered to report fake stories, delete unfriendly stories adverse to the Obama administration, and construct stories in specific manners while working for the left-wing network.
“CNN is paid by foreign and the US government for reporting on some events, and not reporting on others,” said Lyon. “The Obama Administration pays for CNN content.”
Fortune magazine reminds us, that on December 21, 2012, shortly after the alleged Sandy Hook incident, when the government started upping its rhetoric on restricting gun rights, that Americans headed out to the stores and armed up in droves.
So, what Americans are being told by this lying administration once again fails the test of truth. In fact, the opposite is true.
“With reasonable men, I will reason; with humane men I will plead; but to tyrants I will give no quarter, nor waste arguments where they will certainly be lost.” William Lloyd Garrison, Abolitionist
Why are Americans armed?
“The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government. –Thomas Jefferson