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The Price of our Redemption


By Bradlee Dean


We are trying to do a futile thing if we do not know where we came from or what we have been about." — Woodrow Wilson


How are we to know who we are if we do not know where we came from? As I look back to the 60’s (when I was a child), I see the very things that have been withheld from us. And what is that? What some have continuously waged war against - our Godly heritage and the Constitution. And please do not forget we are, of course, liberated as we magnify our laws. He who magnifies our Godly heritage and the Constitution the most, loves the most, and is most grateful to the One who gave it. 


This is why I honor God’s Son Jesus Christ, because He died for my sins to set me free from sin (Matthew 1:21) to ratify God’s covenant. In like manner, the veterans died for my natural liberation (freedom) to ratify the Constitution of these United States. Not because I have to, but because I cannot help myself not to. Look what they have done for us, look at the price that they have paid. The awful price of redemption came through their sacrifice, so we can walk in freedom. 


Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend. And look at the love these have demonstrated unto us through their sacrifice. How I could I possibly be an enemy to those who gave us so much? Now John 3:16 has meaning. 



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