“Woe (judgment is coming) to those [judges] who issue evil statutes, And to those [magistrates] who constantly record unjust and oppressive decisions…” -Isaiah 10:1
Let me start this article with a question: From where do your Rights come as Americans?
They come from the Lord, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the God of our Lord Jesus Christ!
Where do our Laws come from? The come from Common Law, which is established upon the Lord’s Law (Torah, The Five Books of Moses).
Knowing this, let me put another question to you. Where do our said representatives derive their delegated authority? According to the Declaration of Independence, We the People, under God!
Do our said representatives put their hand on the Bible in swearing to uphold the Laws found within, “So help me God?” Why, yes, they do.
Knowing this, can someone please tell me where they are deriving or extracting the authority to attack Christians and the Word of God if not from “We the People”?
Americans, are you paying attention to what the corrupt are attempting to do here?
One must ask themselves why it is so vitally important for those in government to remove certain words from the Bible that lay charge to the guilty party concerning the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Why do they mean to defend the guilty?
Of course, the guilty attempt to defend them under the guise of playing the victim and. in this case, those of the synagogue of Satan (Revelation 3:9), who were guilty of the murder of Jesus Christ (Mark 15:11), those who decry their opposition (in hopes of browbeating them into submission) as "anti-Semitic" when calling out their crimes (Romans 3:20).
They are guilty of the crime, and somehow, your said representatives are going along with this ploy in striking the biblical record. They are even going so far as to make it illegal to refer to the Word of God that exposes their crimes. For whom are they working? Not the American people. The truth is that this is a blatant attack on Christians. To the wicked I say, not a good plan (Galatians 6:7).
This is the tactic that tyrants use to enslave the people; they overthrow the law that they are to uphold by giving themselves more tyrannical control over the very people they are to serve. Nothing new here (Ecclesiastes 1:9).
In this case, is anyone tired of the Zionists equating the synagogue of Satan of today to the Israel of God? Ma ke the distinction. This is the children of Belial (the flesh) warring against the children of the Lord (the Spirit). Read John 3:6; 8:44; Romans 2:28-29; Revelation 3:9, etc.)
Furthermore, you might want to ask yourselves the question, if these were the Israel of God as they claim to be, then why are they attacking Christians, the Israel of God?
This same tactic is also used in other areas, as well. For example, look at how the sodomites, homosexuals, and lesbians accuse the innocent of the crimes that they are guilty of committing. Today, this has become common knowledge.
Furthermore, our Laws condemn sodomy, the very crimes that they mean to advocate and to normalize (Leviticus 18:22; 20:13; Jude 1:7) while the innocent victim falls prey to their abominable crimes.
Or how about the women who murder their babies? They play the victim when stating that the “war on women” must be put to a stop! This they do and yet, they stand guilty of the crimes (Proverbs 6:17)!
This is the same government today, mind you, that blames law-abiding gun owners for the crimes of the guilty. In many cases, these crimes are being committed by repeat criminals who were not lawfully dealt with the first time that they transgressed our Laws. This reflects the injustice of those who are to bring justice, which guards our liberties.
Again, this tactic is used to restrict the rights of law abiders, not the lawbreakers.
It is the same for every criminal agenda that they mean to push. They attempt to browbeat the innocent into submission to the guilty so they can garner more control over the masses.
These examples above are blatant attacks on our Christian and constitutional foundations in hopes of overthrowing the Laws and the people of this country, period.
This is coming from our said representatives in this country (Luke 22:48) working on behalf of foreign powers.
This bill, as they call it, is merely there to turn out the light that exposes and reproves their crimes (Ephesians 5:11). It also aims at furthering the crime of illegally censoring and suppressing free speech that we have seen coming from government working with big tech companies over the last 4 years. Be aware of these tactics, people, for freedom of speech is the bulwark to our liberties.
Conclusion: George Whitfield was right when he stated, “All politics aimed at the church ends in self-destruction.”
Take heed to yourselves, enemies of righteousness, the Lord is a Man of War who will NOT be mocked (Exodus 15:3)!